Name of the Project: Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Planning Capacity Building Project (SISEPCBP)
ID No: P171160
Loan/Credit No: IDA-D6660
Consulting Service: Program Manager
Individual/Firm: Individual
Duty Station: Mogadishu
Deadline: July10, 2023
Ref No: SO-MOPIED-363845-CS-INDV
- Background and objective:
The Somalia National Bureau of Statistics (SNBS), through the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), is implementing the Somali Integrated Statistics and Economic Capacity Building (SISEPCB) Project funded by the World Bank The Project aims at strengthening the country’s national statistics system, the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system, and improving programming and analytical capacity of the government’s macroeconomics and fiscal programming agencies to enable them to regularly assess, analyze and improve their public policies and programs performance and results. More specifically, the project aims at: (1) Strengthening the national statistics system; (2) Strengthening monitoring and evaluation capacity; and (3) Building economic policy analysis and economic planning capacity.
The overall responsibilities of the Program Manager of Economic Policy Analysis Unit are (i) to provide technical support and advise to the National Economic Council member on coordination, management and implementation of activities, (ii) to provide overall leadership and perform all necessary unit management activities, (iii) to coordinate with public service officials, at all relevant government agencies including those in charge of economic policy formulation and execution, (iv) to manage the NEC team, under the direction of the Executive Director of the NEC.
- Responsibilities: The consulting services of the She/he will carry out all unit management tasks in strict compliance with the rules and regulation set forth by the council and in line with the Government’s vision of economic development. She/he will undertake all the other specific tasks detailed in the Terms of Reference (TOR) here.pdf
The National Economic Council of Somalia now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the requested Services. Interested Individual Consultants must submit their Curriculum Vitae (CV) and cover letter indicating that they are qualified to perform the services.
- Selection Criteria: The selection shall be based on qualification, experience and skills of the candidate and followed by an interview. The qualifications, experience and competencies include:
Education: MBA, MS finance, Public Administration, Economics or related fields with minimum additional 10 years of relevant professional experience.
Experience: The Programs Manager of Economic Policy Analysis Unit will need to demonstrate skills and competencies in the following areas:
- Minimum of 10 years’ professional experience in public administration, including management, human resource and finance
- Minimum of 5 years’ experience working in Government institutions.
- Experience in Government policy development and plans in the field of finance, management.
- Reporting: The Program Manager will report to the Executive Director of the National Economic Council.
5.Duration of Assignment: The assignment shall run for 12 months’ renewable upon satisfactory performance
- Submission requirements:
Attention of interested Consultants is drawn to section III, para 3.14,3.16 & 3.17 of the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers: Procurement in Investment Projects Financing Goods, Works, Non -Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, revised November 2017 August 2018, and November 2020 (“Procurement Regulations”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.
A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection method set out in the World Bank’s Procurement Regulations.
The NEC now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the above-mentioned services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the Services and furnish the Curriculum Vitae (CV). Further information at the address provided below during office hours from 9:00am to 4:00pm Mogadishu time (Excluding public holidays).
Deadline: Expressions of interest (EOI) should be delivered by email or in-person in a written form in three (3) hard copies (if not by e-mail) to the address below by 10th July 2023 at 16:00 Hours (Mogadishu Time) and should be marked “Expressions of interest for the NEC Program Manager Consultant” as subject line.
Attention; Project Implementation Unit
Somalia National Bureau of Statistics
Federal Government of Somalia
Afgoi Road
Mogadishu, Somalia
Email Address: and CC: