A delegation from the National Economic Council of Somalia, headed by the Executive Director Hassan Hosow, along with NEAs and technical staff, traveled to Kismayo city on August 2, 2023. The purpose of their visit was to hold a Centennial Vision 2060. Consultation meeting with government officials, civil society, and stakeholders of the Jubbaland State of Somalia.

The NEC delegates engaged in lengthy and intense discussions with members of the Jubbaland cabinet, officials, and civil society. Through these interactions, they gained a deeper understanding of the unique needs and regional context of this federal member state. These conversations also allowed the team to appreciate the remarkable progress that Jubbaland has made in recent years and the sense of hope government has for its people and the country’s future. Additionally, the delegates had the opportunity to visit tourist spots and witness the impressive urban transformation and infrastructure development that Kismayo city has undergone. The Centennial Vision 2060 Consultation Meeting is intended to be held in all five federal member states for validation and consultation on the long-term development agenda for our country. Representatives from various stakeholders, including regional authorities, civil society, and other stakeholders are being engaged in shaping the Centennial Vision 2060. The consultation meeting with Jubbaland aimed to gather inputs, contributions, and critiques of relevant stakeholders to foster collaboration and reach a consensus on the national development blueprint leading up to 2060. The interests and aspirations of all regions will be considered to ensure fair representation in the development agenda.Officials from the Jubbaland Government, prominent figures from civil society,academia, the private sector, and other stakeholders have participated in a rigorous three-day consultation meeting.




Consultation Objectives

The objective of the consultation meeting was to foster productive discussions and arrive at an agreed-upon position about the Centennial Vision 2060. A key focus of the meetings was identifying long-term priorities, strategies, and policies that would benefit the entire nation while also considering the unique perspectives and requirements of diverse regions within the federal government. At the Vision 2060 Consultation meeting with the Jubbaland Government, discussions revolved around critical topics such as development planning, resource allocation, infrastructure development, social services, economic growth, human capital, and post-HIPC policy priorities. They deliberated on creating a capable state and addressing other relevant matters.

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